LINUX Mathematics table
Linux is a free working structure. W I ma saying Linux mint because of I use and make program related to it and for it.The working structure taking the case of Microsoft paid working framework or like Android for adaptable, ios and in a general sense more occurrence of a working structure are there in a market. Regardless,
Linux is free so all the "hacking" scripting is done in
Linux. Circle is the huge subject and basic moreover in case you appreciate it or if not it is the unpalatable dream you at whatever point found in the life. I am giving some post to this point in detail after some time. The substance for the given yield is above yield area and underneath the introduction.I require supporting from most by far of my watcher for making this blog to the wide stature.
THE SCRIPT for base of Linux mint
echo "Enter the number for making table"
read n
echo "The table for $n is below"
while [ $i -le 10 ]
echo "$n x $i = `expr $n \* $i`"
i=`expr $i + 1`
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