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    Android P

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    Hello friends Google launch "P" .Google launched Android P developer later this week. Google doesn't given a name to this Android version till.In the number one spot up to the arrival of Android P, there were various thundering that enormous outline changes were originating from Google. A February report from Bloomberg said Android P would include an "emotional update" of the OS, and as an ever increasing number of parts of Android P  stream out, this report is looking more conceivable. Android P conveys enormous changes to the notice board, surrounding showcase, and settings, alongside loads of home screen changes. Outside of Android P, there's a nonstop dribble of overhauled applications touching base through the Play Store that appear to space pleasantly into this new plan. When the September-ish dispatch moves around, we could be taking a gander at a product bundle from Google that looks in no way like the Android of a year ago.
    d the android latest version

    The principle theme we can select of this new outline is "white and round." All finished Android P we see white foundations with adjusted corners and symbols, which appear to be particularly unique from Google's present "Material Design" plan dialect. The most clear usage is the all-new warning board, yet this additionally reaches out to the power and volume menus, all the exchanges boxes, and easily overlooked details like the adjusted pursuit bar in settings. Outside of Android P, the Google application appears to fit pleasantly into this plan, as well, with adjusted rectangles utilized for the news nourish, seek box, and even the indexed lists on Google.com. One of Google's most up to date applications, Google Pay (in the past Android Pay) fits right in with this theme, as well.

    I think Android P will first come with a guy having a notch on top as Iphone X . Let me introduce you a Google product  pixel 3

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