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    How to choose the best Gaming PC ?

    The best Gaming PC in the world.

    There are many ways to get the best pc in the world.
    best pc and top pc
     I mean that the best pc is not only which has all
    oftware and hardware up-to-date. It mean the need
    of that specific user/consumer right!
    So what we have to think when we want to buy a PC(Desktop). Let get into it  

      AIM :                                    

    So as I said before we want to concentrate on the need of that particular user. So First of all We have select a good CPU(Central processing unit).

    There very good amount of CPU for desktop are available in the market but if you want to buy any type of GPU(later on we will discuss about it) So you can consider Intel ones.
    But if you are not buying GPU then the best CPU will be AMD.I will say why?

    So As I know Intel top CPU is i9 till this date. There are two major variant
    And there is also 16 thread version

    Now if you are buying pc or building it so remember this thing Do not take one thing up-to-date.
    Take all Up-to-date or take all component little older ones.

    GPU(GRAPHICAL PROCESSING UNIT) For the best gaming pc

    If you are hi end gamer or working in very hi graphic project then take the up-to-date GPU.
    There a ton of variety in the market
    search here  
    In this most I covered The most two important component.



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