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    Linux basic

    Loop    -Linux basic


    linux is a free operating system. The operating system taking the example of Microsoft paid operating system or like Android for mobile, ios and much more example of an operating system are there in a market. But Linux is free so all the "hacking" scripting is done in Linux. Loop is the great theme and simple as well on the off chance that you comprehend it or if not it is the awful dream you at any point found in the life. I am giving some post to this point in detail after some time. The script for the given output is above output section and beneath the introduction.I require bolstering from the greater part of my watcher for making this blog to the considerable tallness.

    The script

    while [ $i -le 10 ]
    while [ $j -le $i ]
    echo -n "$j"
    j=`expr $j + 1`
    echo " "
    i=`expr $i + 1`



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