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    Javascript promises



    This is the topic in which you can get knowledge about the script topic and  head tag in java script by which you can write your first java script program easily. Go through this topic thoroughly for mastery of this topic. Remember the basic for good career. 

    The <script> tag


    Script tag Is the one of the most popular post in my blog. As all people love this I think people will also like the combination of the topic script tag and head tag together.

    To the topic

    The <script> tag can take two attribute language and type, which specify the script type.

    <script language="javascript"


    The head tag in JAVA SCRIPT


    This is head tag by which you can write any thing in the head of page. Go through this topic thoroughly

    To the topic

    As I said before java script is written in both body and in head also.Hence we are at the stage of head



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