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    first c programming

    First c++ program 


    Hello to all my fiends today's the topic of this post is My first cpp program as you can see at the heading. Personally I writted my first cpp program in turbo c++ software at I.T. Institute knawn as pragati computers ahmedabad. I learned many languages like cpp,java, js and more. And now I am about to learn ruby and some more languages. Now For some reason I switched to dev c++ software. So now there will also be a section of c++ program in dev c++ . Also known as developer c++.


    TURBO C++

    #include <conio.h>

    void main()
              cout<<"hello world ";

    Now for the first time I am using dev-c++. Due to some issue my turbo c++ crash so I swich to dev-c++. In developer c++ there is no such header file like conio. Therefor, there is no need of clrscr();
    and getch();

    DEV C++

    using namespace std;

    int main()
    cout<<"Hello world";


    Here is a new thing as you can see in the output screen there is time 4.582 this shows the time taken by compiler to compile our program.


    You can write this programe in any software for c++. The dev c++ software programe is applicable for any basic c++ software not like turbo c++ or air.

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